Friday, January 2, 2009


Marthe Kiley-Worthington

B.Sc ( zoology). D.Phil (ethology). M.Phil (philosophy of mind), British Horse Society AI (1971), II (1978, not jumping) spend her childhood in Kenya on farms, went to University in Scotland and then returned to Eash Africa to Makerere College, Kampala, Uganda and was one of the first researchers studying the behaviour of a large mammal in the field in Africa as a Goldsmith Scholar.
She then returned to the
UK to do a doctorate on communication in domestic and wild large mammals at Sussex University. She won post doctoral scholarships to study animal welfare problems of farm animals, and developed an ethogram for cattle, then returned to study wild eland and blesbok in South Africa while teaching at University of Pretoria.
In 1973 she established her first experimental ecological farm and stud while continuing detailed research on the behaviour of cattle and horses. After 10 years, she moved to
University of Edinburgh (Hon fellow) continued ethological and ecological research on an ecological farm on the Isle of Mull in the Hebrides. In 1989 the third farm was established in the Dartmoor National park in Devon to test the integration of food production and wildlife conservation. Elected an honorary fellow at the University of Exeter (1990-2003). Research on animal cognition and improved teaching began in 1992 and continues to date with domestic and African mammals. . Won prize for Creativity in Rural Life from the Womens’ World Summit Foundation at UN for work with women in agriculture in 1998, elected the Brenda Ryan Fellow at Girton College Cambridge in 2002. Visiting Fellow, Bristol University (Veterinary Science) 2006. Visiting Scholar (Philosophy) California University, Berkeley, USA, 2007. Consultant on Ecological Agriculture , Animal Behavioural & Welfare since 1970 and teaches riding and horse management.

Detailed academic curriculum vitae


B.Sc. (engineering). Registered Farrier, FRC. Born in Cornwall in 1952 . He went to University of London to study engineering for B.Sc..Joined Voluntary Service Overseas and taught in Ghana 2 years, returning to the UK to work on farms in Cornwall. He joined Marthe at Milton Court Eco Farm in Sussex, & completed his diploma in Ecological Agriculture (1978). He managed and developed Milton Court Eco Farm, Druimghigha Isle of Mull, Little Ash Eco Farm Devon, and now La Combe, Bezaudun sure Bine , Drome. Particular expertises are practical farming, arable & animal husbandry ( cattle, sheep, horses, pigs, poultry, camelids), designing and building alternative energy systems, farm vehicles & implements, draught animal implements from local materials, animal handling and teaching .He is a farrier, specialising in biomechanics and natural balance shoeing, and rides internationally long distance and flat races.

Non resident associates include: Dr. H.Randle, Senior Lecturer Ducky College, University of Plymouth

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