M.Kiley-Worthington - List of Major Publications
(books written bold & underlined)
1965.Spatial distribution and sexual behaviour of the Waterbuck (Kobus defassa & K.ellipsiprimnus) in
1966. A preliminary investigation into the feeding habits of the Waterbuck in
1969.Some displays of canids, felids and ungulates with particular reference to their causation. D.Phil thesis.
1972. The vocalisation of ungulates. Zeit fur Tierpsychol. 31. 171-222.
1973. The behavioural problems of agricultural animals. Abst. 3rd World Animal Production Conference.
1974 a. The behavioural problems of wild and domestic ungulates with reference to grazing and crowding. in The behaviour of ungulates and its relation to management. ed. V.Geist & F. Walther. IUCN.
1976.a. The tail movements of ungulates, canids and felids with particular reference to their causation and use as displays. Behav. LVI. 69-115.
b. The advantages and disadvantages of castration of farm animals, with particular reference to behaviour. Br. Vet. J. 132.323-331.
c. Fostering and adoption in beef cows. Brit Cattle Breeders Club. Digest 31. 42-55.
1977.a. Which can feed the world, chemical or organic farming? Financial Times. b.The problem of the 50 ton cow. Financial Times. c. The behavioural problems of farm animals. Oriel press. 120pp
1978. a. The visual displays of eland. Behav. LXV1.179-222. b. The social organisation of a small herd of captive eland, oryx and roan antelope. Behav. LXV1.32-40. c. Individual differences in a small herd of cpative eland, oryx and roan antelope with particular reference to personality profiles. Behav. LXV1.44-55. d. The viability of ecological agriculture. Abst. Brit Ecol Soc. Wales. e. Learning in diary cattle using a device for the economical management of behaviour. Appl Anim. Ethol. 4. 119-124 ( with P.Savage).
1980. The problems of modern agriculture. Food Policy. Aug.208-215.
1981. Ecological Agriculture, What is it and how does it work? Agric & Environment. 6. 249-281.
1983. a. The behaviour of beef suckler cattle (Bos taurus). Verlag Birkhauser.
1984. Animal Language? Vocal communication of some ungulates, canids and felids. Proc. Int. Thereological Congress. Helskinki. ed. E.Erkinars.83-88.
1985. Communication in horses. Do they have language? Int. Ethological Congress. Toulouse. abst 89.
1986. a.Ecological Agriculture. A case study of an ecological farm in the South of England. Biol. Agric & Hort. 2. 101-133 (with C.C.Rendle).
b. Cattle Husbandry in Organic Agriculture. in Int. Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements Colloquium. Kassel. Germany.
1987. a. The behaviour of horses in relation to management and training. J.A.Allen.London. pp205, reprinted 1998. b.Stereotypic Behaviour in Current therapy in Equine Medicine. ed. N.E.Robinson. W.D.Saunders.Boston. 131-134 ( with D.Wood-Gush). c. The ruimghigha Project. An Ecological Farm in a marginal area. Communities Development J. 22.208-218.
1989. Ethological, ecologically and ethically sound environments for animals. J. Agric Ethics. 2.232-247.
1990. a. Preventitive Equine Medicine. J. Equine Medicine. 9. 241-248.b. Animals in Circuses and Zoos. Chiron's World? Eco Farm pub. Basildon. pp250.c. The training of circus animals. Animal Training Symposium.UFAW. Potters Bar. 65-83.d. Equine Behaviour , what we need to know to work equines. Ist Int Colloquim on Working Equines. Edinburgh.
1991. a. Ecological Agriculture in a Marginal Area. Biol Agric & Hort. 7. 221-245. b. Animal Welfare. Towards symbiosis for the 21st century? Invited Plenary Paper. International Ethological Congress. Kyoto. Abst. 39.
1992.a. Ecological Agriculture. Food First Farming. Souvenir press. London pp250. b. Critic of Dawkins "from an animal's point of view". Br & Behav Sci.8. 121-122. c. Handling and Teaching Zoo animals. Int.Zoo News. 40/2.14-23.
1994. The equine mind. Abst. Second Int. Colloquium on Working Equines. Rabat.Morocco. 112-132.
1995. a. The future of the dairy industry. Can we overcome the environmental, ethological and ethical problems? If so how? Third International Dairy Housing Conference. Orlando. Florida. 524-532. b. Agricultures problems and possible alternatives. Ecological Agriculture, Food First Farming.in Decision Making and Agriculture. The Role of Ethics. ed. K.B.Besley, S. urns, M.Campbell & P.Sanger. p 117-147.
c. Preliminary observations on the grazing behaviour and nutiritional management of guanaco on an ecological farm in Devon. in European Fine Fibre Network. 9. 99-107.
1996.a (with C.C.Rendle.). Animal handling and animal educational psychology. Eco Research Center 9. 1-25. b. ( with H.Randle). Implictions of semi-intensive management on the breeding of Black Rhino (Diceros bicornis). Abs. Int Soc. Applied Ethol. Eco Research Cent.10.(with H. Randle).c. The future development of camelid husbandry systems. European Fine Fibre Network. 5. 131-138. d. The future importance of ethology in organic farming systems. Int Federation Organic Farming Movements Colloquium. Copenhagen.
e.(with H.Randle). First steps in comparative animal educational psychology. Int..Soc.Compar.Psychol. Montreal. Canada. Eco Research Cent. 13. 1-25.
1997. a. Integrating conservation and agricultural production: the way forward? Eco Summit. Copenhagen. J.Environm. Health 10. 235-248.
b. (with S.E.G.Lea) Can animals think?in Unsolved Mysteries of the Mind. ed. V.Bruce. Erlbaum. 211-240
c. Communication in horses. Competition or cooperation? Eco Research Cent. 17. 1-28. d. Wildlife conservation, food production and "development": can they have symbiotic relationships? If so how? Jacobsen Philosophy of Environment Conference. Harare. Zimbabwe. J. Environmental Values.6. 455-70. e. Competition or cooperation? The social organisation of a small herd of horses. Eco Research Cent.17. f. Arguments for zoos. Int. Zoo News. August. 25-35.
1998. Ecological Agriculture and Improved Animal Welfare for Development in Womens Agriculture. address for Womens World Summit Foundation prize for Creativy in Rural Life.
1999.a. The criteria for Ethologically and Ecologically raised beef. Biol Husbandry.16.369-380 ( with H. Randle). b ( with H.Randle) .The practicalities and economics of ethologically and ethologically raised double suckled beef. Biol Husbandry 16. 381-393. c. Equine Welfare. J.A.Allen. London. 205pp. d. Social relationships in a small herd of African Elephants ( Loxodonta africana ) Int Soc Applied Ethol.
2000. Right in front of your mind. Equine and Elephantine Epistemology. M.Phil thesis, Philosophy University Lancaster.
2001. Comment on Culture in Dolphins. in Br & Behav Sci. 15. 341-342.
2008(a)Equine & Elephant conciousness, ontology and collective intentionality.Conference Collective Intentionality. Berkeley, California.
2008(b)Mammalian Consciousness.Plenary Session ISAE Conference, Dublin
Copies of all of these papers and books can be obtained from: mkileyworthington@googlemail.com
Radio interviews numerous. BBC.World Service 30 min programme. 1998.
TV 30 min films: Captive Friends. ITV & Channel 4. 1990. Farm Fantasia. Channel 4 & BBC.2. 1995 & 96. Great Western Women. West Country TV. 1997. Elephant training. Sunday Times Magazine.1995. Test your pet . 2004
Other Occasional Research Papers, From Eco Research & Education Centre. Copy right ISSN 1367-2045
In 1994 the Eco Research Centre was founded at Little Ash Eco Farm. Research is carried out on the farm and worldwide, a second centre is presently being established in Zimbabwe. The Research Centre specialises in animal behaviour and welfare research (in particular improved husbandry systems and animal cognition and educational psychology, ecology, ecological agriculture and development). It has close links with Exeter & Plymouth Universities, among others, and offers courses and supervision for students at all levels.
1993. 3. C. C. Rendle. The designing, making and using appropriate equine harness and implements for the small farm. (abstract presented at The Second international colloquium on Working Equines, Rabat, Morocco.) 4.H. D. Randle. Individual variation in bovine behaviour. (abstract presented at ISAE94, Foulum, Denmark, p15).
1995 6. H. D. Randle. Can cattle think? (abstract for ISAE95, Exeter, U.K., pp17-18) [£0.30 + postage]
1996. 14.H. D. Randle. Animal Psychology and Behaviour. A chapter for the Lundy Island Field Society 50th commemoration.
1998. 21. M.Kiley-Worthington . The use of the voice in horse teaching. Horse and Rider. 22.M.Kiley-Worthington. 6 articles on the Horse's Mind. Horse & Rider. also articles in Australian, Belgium, French (Cheval, Cheval Pratique), Zimbabwean, South African Magazines.
1999.. M.Kiley-Worthington. Le Comportement des Cheveaux. Zulma. Bordeaux.(145F + p&p) H.D.Randle & M.Kiley-Worthington. Social relations in a small group of African elephants. (Loxodonta africana). abstr. ISAE Proc. Prague. Eco Research centre occasional paper.. M.Kiley-Worthington. Ecological Agriculture and Improved Animal Welfare for Agricultural Development. Address for the Womens' World Summit Foundation when awarded a prize for Creativity in Rural Life. United Nations. Geneva.
Submitted:. M.Killey-Worthington & H.Randle. Elephant communication, social organization & cognition. (submitted t Animal Behav. Dec 2007. Collective intentionality & social ontology. Conference on Collective Intentionality, Berkeley 2008, Mammalian cognition, consciousness & animal welfare. ISAE Ireland. 2008 Equine & Elephant Needs. UFAW conference 2008.
What is it to be an Elephant? (book in prep).
Big thanks to you good and structure sources!
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