For general and up to date information about the horses of the Druimghigha stud, their performance and career, read the Druimghigha Blog, created and maintained by Vicky Clink, owner of Druimghigha Shanti
Druimghigha Shemal Winner of the Arab Marathon, 2000, Man versus Horse 2002 & 2003, 80km Red Dragon, Wales 2003. Short listed for the junior International Endurance Team, 2003. She knows over 250 words, and has learnt some human concepts. She was
In 1972 when I was a fellow of the
The husbandry developed for the Druimghigha horses is the result of years of study of empirical observation and experimentation. For example, their physical needs are fulfilled by feeding them high fiber diets which they have access to at all times, and home produced grains when they are working more than one hour/day every day. Their need for constant movement and exercise is catered for by keeping them outside in large paddocks, and also working them frequently. Their social needs are catered for by the horses being in groups of different sexes and ages, often with a stallion so that mares have natural sex when they wish (contraceptives are used to prevent unwanted pregnancies). Their emotional needs are catered for by allowing friendships and sex , no artificially weaning of foals (unless their mother is at risk from continuing to lactate). We found that the establishment of behaviours indicative of trauma and distress was often linked to artificial weaning.
Their cognitive needs are catered for by the horses acquiring ecological knowledge since all the horses run out all year around in large paddocks with other species (cattle and sheep) with varied topography (rivers, mountains, woodland, ditches, cliffs etc). They have to make their own decisions to find natural shelter or shelter in buildings (provided in winter). The life of equines as well as humans can be enriched by mutual contact so the youngsters are handled and begin to learn to learn from humans and about them and their ways from when they are a few months old. We are particularly interested in the degree to which equines can learn to comprehend human language, experimenting with this, and with their ability to acquire human concepts and investigating animal consciousness.
Our horses are not shod unless it is necessary for the work they are doing, (when taking part in competitions over distances more than 40km). When shod, the “natural balance” shoeing technique is used, a method developed from studying the feet of feral horses.
Drugs are used only when it is in the interests of the individual’s welfare as it is maintained that constant use of drugs to keep horses well or sound indicates inappropriate husbandry. Antibiotics are rarely needed. The horses are wormed only after faecal egg counts indicate this is necessary. Soil Association approved wormers only used. The intestinal worms are controlled by multi-species rotational grazing .
All the individuals are monitored for any evidence of ill health or distress. The conception rate is significantly higher than for in hand breeding or Artificial Insemination. Ill health and diseases are rare ( e.g. Colic has occurred 3 times in 400 horse years. Despite the long, fast distances covered for international competitive long distance riding, lameness is rare. The average life expectancy for the horses retained bred or acquired young is 26 years. The Welsh mountain pony, Aderin is still active and able aged 38.
In 1983 we moved to the Isle of Mull,
In 1989 we moved to the
In 2003 I was offered a fellowship at
Their education starts when they are a few days old being handled gently and continues throughout their lives using only positive reinforcement. The animals intended to remain in the stud for their lives are taught to be able to win a race one day, and pull a plough give a beginner a riding lesson the next, win a dressage competition , then a long distance race, and deliver the vegetables in a light vehicle. They are truly versatile arabs and part breds, and have excelled in Endurance (10 international horses produced to date, 4 times winning the Arab Marathon, and all who have completed been placed within the first 5. We also take part in dressage events (up to Intermediare/Grand Prix), and demonstrations with dances, liberty and quadrilles.
Some of the well known horses include (all prefixed with Druimghigha):- Druimghigha Baksheesh, Druimghigha Shiraz and her foals: Druimghigha Shiera, Shirak, Shemal Shukrane & Shanti. Druimghigha Shereen and her foals: Sher Khan, Shergar, Shellah, Shezaam, Shindi and Socrates. Aderin and her foals: Druimghigha Achmed and Aisha Evans, Amanita, and Aroha. Chrysthannah Royal and her foals: Druimghigha Cariff, Cara, Carma and Christmas Time. Omeya and her foals: Druimghigha Omani, Osnan, Oscar, Omen, Oberlix and Oryx.
In 2002-3 we decided to see if Druimghigha Oberlix , (who is an pure Arab Horse Society Premium tested Performance Stallion), could take part in International level Endurance races and International dressage in the same summer. This he achieved, taking part and being placed in 80km races, 3rd in the
The research on equine education has involved teaching the subjects (Druimghigha Shemal ,Oberlix and Oryx) human language, measuring the speed of learning acts, learning concepts and whether or not equines have a “theory of mind”, in order to further investigate equine lore and equine consciousness. These subjects understand at least 200 words.
The research is one of the few research programmes where the subjects pay for the research. This is done by teaching, displays, multi-species theatre/ballet (Sleeping Beauty televised 1995, Chestnut Beauty 2000), workshops throughout the world (details of workshops see below). and selling young horses.The youngsters are usually sold at around three years old having had their secondary education (handled, lead, lunged, free schooled, backed, bitted, long reined, ridden out, elementary to medium dressage movements, 40km slow rides in difficult terrain, and out camping). Their fitness is assessed by heart recovery rates and heart monitors.
Oberlix and daughter Druimghigha Shemal being ridden cooperatively: NO TACK.
No equipment other than a simple snaffle, bitless bridle or head collar, saddle, numnah and breast plate is never used during their education or in competition unless it is obligatory (no drop nosebands of any type, martingales, running reins, curbs, long hackamores etc). The horses are cooperatively educated, not frightened or forced. If there is a problem, the education must be reassessed. They can be worked at liberty, ridden. They will go over every type of terrain that we can find ( water, sea, bogs, steep hills, rocks, rough areas, forests, steep banks, in snow, mud, rain, dry or dusty). They can be left tied up for several hours, kept in electric coralls, go camping with their riders or attend competitions with strange horses. As part of the sale, there is a free follow up service to help the new owners overcome any misunderstandings. Horses are only sold to approved homes. We sell young versatile cooperatively educated 3 year olds. Contact centre if by email if interested.
3 year old chesnut, 15.2 gelding, Shukreen. Shemal X Oryx for sale 2009
Courses & Students. We take pupils and students to learn about all aspects of horse behaviour and welfare, improve their handling, working or driving skills, learn more about educating equines from beginners to advanced professional standard. We specialize in teaching the art of riding based on the European classical school, but with ideas and practices filtered from many schools of riding including Western, Indian, Australian, English with an emphasis on cooperation between horses and rider, rather than obedience of the horse, and domination or leadership by the human.
Everyone, from beginner to advanced rider, first has a lesson in our magnificent manege, and then can be taken out (on our horses or their), for rides in this spectacular mountain world, for hours, days or weeks, while learning about the local natural world, learning more about your mount and about the ecology and how to value it more (see calender & prices).
We run a 6 months or 1 year Diploma (approved by universities in UK, USA, Japan, Canada, Australia) in the science, theory and practice of Equine Welfare , Ethology , Education and Husbandry (email for further details) in French & English.The teachers are academically and practical ( BHS qualified, see personnel).The teaching is of a high standard and the diploma demanding. Many world authorities visit the Centre and contribute by giving seminars, lectures or demonstrations in their areas of expertise. The students are exposed to many different ideas and are taught to think, question and discuss all relevant issues.
We supervise undergraduate and graduate student projects and theses.
We run an internationally consultancy on behavioural problems and welfare of equines (and other species). email or phone 00 33 (0)475532027 for further details and prices.
nuzzle each other excitedly over a hedge.
We have to date conducted these international workshops in UK, France, Japan, Australia, USA, Switzerland, Canada, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Kenya. In French or English, or with translator.
Organisation: Interested people & riding Centres organize workshops internationally for us. If you are interested look at calendar or contact by email for further details. At least 10 people are necessary to cover costs. ( Prices: 45 pounds, / 63E for 2 days; 40pounds day 1 only. 25pounds/35E for an individual lesson on day 2. If less than 10 people, must have minimum 350pounds/490E day 1. Of each person’s payment over 10, 40% day 1 & 10% day 2 go to organizer to pay expenses (advertising etc). Board and lodging is provided for teachers & horses free for the period required. We need a comfortable place to lecture with video player, some equines (any age/sex), and an enclosed space to work them ( out or indoors). Date will be mentioned on
Day 1. Theory & some practical experiences.
Introduction & background to the scientific/philosophical approach.
Do horses have minds? If so what are they. What mental life do they have? Current understanding of these questions by scholars in simple language. Applying “conditional anthropomorphism”, what it is and why.
What is it to be an equine? Exercises to help us understand differences and similarities between them and us in perceiving and interpreting the world.
The physical, social, emotional and cognitive needs of equines, and how to fulfill these in order to improve their welfare. Exercises in: learning to observe social behaviour , equine communication, and understanding equine emotions.
Instinct and Learning. The ways in which equines learn. Exercises in putting the theory into practice.
Demonstrations.This understanding put into practice in handling, liberty, teaching with the voice, lunging and concept learning.
Feet & shoeing. When to shoe horses and why. Balancing the hoof & shoe. Four point/natural balance shoeing & why.
The next day/s consists of individual lessons for those participants who would like them, (45 minutes) with their own or our equines. These can be on a range of different aspects of equine behaviour, husbandry, teaching or riding. They include handling, teaching simple movements, liberty, lunging, early & more advanced riding, (up to Grand Prix dressage) jumping, cross country, physiological and psychological fitness for endurance, driving, working equines, or how to conduct ethological studies with horses, ponies, donkeys, mules or zebras. They can also be consultancies on behavioural problems (e.g. loading, aggression, “vices”, bolting, management problems etc). Maximum 6 lessons/ day. There is discussion at the end of each lesson. We have 1hr lunches together (sandwiches or buffet) to facilitate discussion and a social meal in the evenings ( cafĂ©/pub etc).
Text books: Horse Behaviour, Equine Welfare, Equine Education & Horse Watch. >> See Books & Articles
Please could you say more about how to use contraception with mares who are living out with stallions. Is it healthy for them and how practical is this? It sounds really amazing. How many people are doing this successfully?
ReplyDeleteWow what a great blog, i really enjoyed reading this, good luck in your work. High Quality Horses For Sale